Fraunhofer lighthouse project "Sensor systems for extremely harsh environments" (eHarsh)

Sensors are key elements for monitoring technical processes in real time and therefore form the basis for comprehensive intelligent control of industrial value chains. While highly integrated sensor systems are already state of the art in many technical areas, e.g. in smartphones and wearables, and have become an integral part of today's society, the situation in the industrial environment is very different. The use of sensor systems is often impossible because the extreme environment of industrial processes, characterized by high operating temperatures, mechanical stress in the form of pressure or vibration or by a humid or chemically aggressive environment, does not allow reliable operation of sensitive electronic components. Yet there is an enormous need for sensor systems in this area in particular in order to better monitor and control systems and processes. Only in this way can the ambitious goals of "Industry 4.0", such as the individualization of products under the conditions of (large-scale) production, improved monitoring and the optimization and real-time control of entire value-added networks, be fully achieved.

The aim of the lead project "eHarsh" is to develop and provide a technology platform on the basis of which sensor systems, consisting of sensors and electronics, can be developed and manufactured for use in extremely harsh environments. The realization of such systems requires interdisciplinary skills, starting with the selection of appropriate materials and technologies, through various development skills, system integration for the application, to the evaluation and prediction of reliability and operational behaviour.

To this end, a consortium of Fraunhofer Institutes under the leadership of Fraunhofer IMS has joined forces to pool its excellent expertise. The participating institutes are already well-known within the scientific community for their specific topics, such as ceramic materials, packaging technology, high-temperature stable integrated circuits, sensors, material diagnostics, test procedures, reliability analyses and modeling. While often only partial aspects are considered in the scientific environment, the corresponding scientific excellence for comprehensive solutions up to system level exists within the lead project through targeted further development and interdisciplinary cooperation.

The following technologies and skills are to be developed and made available as part of the lead project:

  • robust sensors, e.g. pressure and temperature sensors for use up to 500 °C and MEMS sensors for use up to 300 °C
  • integrated circuits and system components for use up to 300 °C
  • hermetically sealed encapsulations that allow simultaneous media access to the sensors
  • 3D integration and encapsulation at system level as a "system scaled package"
  • Analysis and test procedures for the various loads, including their combination
  • Understanding the material usage behavior with regard to defect risks and degradation mechanisms
  • Advanced reliability analyses and models

The technologies and competencies are to be developed and evaluated using two characteristic and extremely sophisticated demonstrators from the fields of engine/turbine monitoring and geothermal energy. With the technologies and demonstrators, the lead project offers the opportunity for targeted market development and expansion in the field as well as the development of unique selling points and Fraunhofer technology leadership in the area of "sensor systems in extremely harsh environments".