Cognitive Agriculture

In the "Cognitive Agriculture" lighthouse project, eight Fraunhofer Institutes are jointly researching the basic principles for producing agricultural products in an environmentally friendly, resource-saving and highly efficient manner. Possible solutions lie in sensor technology for data acquisition as well as in the digitalization and automation of agricultural processes. The analysis of highly complex interactions between the biosphere and production is to be made usable in an ecosystem of networked data and services ("Agricultural Data Space") and support decision-making.

Participating institutes: Fraunhofer IESE (lead), Fraunhofer IFF, Fraunhofer IKTS, Fraunhofer IOSB, Fraunhofer IPA, Fraunhofer IPM, Fraunhofer ITWM, Fraunhofer IVI


The "Cognitive Agriculture" project aims to automatically collect data on complex interrelationships in field farming and, based on this, to support decision-making processes in the value creation network.

The focus is on the following areas of innovation

  • open data exchange in an agriculture-specific, digitally networked ecosystem that enables the multivalent use and linking of complex agricultural data volumes in secure data spaces;
  • automated interpretation and decision support based on high-resolution measurement data from airborne or ground-based systems using multi-channel measurement information;
  • autonomous field robotics for plant-specific field work and robot-guided sensor platforms with specific sensor systems.

Pilot applications on test fields are intended to demonstrate that agrosphere monitoring and plant-specific field work offer an increase in productivity without ecological damage.


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